Find Your Path to Relief and Wellness

Serving the Mayerthorpe area with dedicated care.

Feeling sore, stressed, or dealing with chronic pain? You're not alone. Massage therapy is a journey toward building a mind-body connection to foster relief and positive wellbeing. By understanding your unique concerns within your body, manual therapy can assist in pain relief, increased range of motion and decreased stress. 


Discover the Path to Well-Being

Let's walk through how we can help you feel better with massage therapy.

Stress Reduction

Experience a serene escape from the pressures of daily life.

Pain Relief

Alleviate chronic pains and aches, enhancing your quality of life.

Improved Mobility

Enhance your movement and flexibility for a more active lifestyle.

Feeling tense or dealing with pain?

Discover how our care can make a difference.

At Wild Rose Wellness, Dallas Bullock brings a wealth of experience and a gentle, personalized approach to your care. She believes in not just addressing symptoms but in nurturing overall well-being. 


Meet Dallas Bullock

Your Registered Massage Therapist

Welcome! I will start by saying, I love my job for the service and growth it encompasses. I am curious about each individuals 'anatomical neutral' and how to best support it's range of motion, performance and healing. 

In each massage session, you can expect to be led through a 3 part breathing exercise. This will help create safe space for your body to unwind from injury, illness or stress. It is also a tool you can take with you into your life. My treatment style has a range of pressure with techniques such as swedish massage, myofascial release, neuro-muscular techniques, contract-relax stretches, and cranial sacral. I offer tips on how to build your bodies foundation strong from the ground up with postutal suggestions and stretch/strength exercises. I can assist you through pre/post orthapedic surgery & recovery, or offer you big comfy pregnancy pillows to lay your belly in. 

I have worked with so many bodies, from circus performers to cowboys, babies, children and pregnant women. All bodies hold the answers to their healing and my job is to facilitate to best treatment for that journey.



Elevate Your Well-Being with Expert Massage Therapy

This is our simple process.
Book An Evaluation

Book An Evaluation

Schedule an evaluation and treatment
Get Custom Treatment

Get Custom Treatment

Work with Dallas to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to you.
Start Feeling Amazing

Start Feeling Amazing

Feel your improved symptoms and gain confidence.

Find Your Balance